Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Birthday of an ol' man!

I just turned 28, which sounds both surprising and worriyng in a way. I do not feel at all 28 but I guess nobody does until they actually realize it. Moreover, the old age of thirty seems (thought to be so so far away) is almost knocking here; I can here it:))). shhh...where did all those years go to? I guess that some have kids in primary school by this age but I plan to take it really slow and do it my way. I was just google-ing about people born in the same date (9april) and came out with some funny heterogeneous results but I guess they all are kind of "crazy" in their own unique way.

Here they are:
Charles Baudelaire. 1821
Francis Bacon, 1904
J. William Fullbright, 1905
Hugh Hefner, 1926
Jean Paul Belmondo, 1933
Dennis Quaid, 1954
Jenna Jameson, 1974
:))) I was just thinking that it will be tremendously hard to find any other common points among them besides the one mentioned above.

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