Sunday, November 27, 2005


the traditional features of the dinner

Almost everyone knows one of the most popular events here in the US, maybe not so many know that it isn't universally accepted. In fact, it seems that only the US and Canada are hosting this event in a formal manner. In many Christian religions though, there is something similar, but not at the same magnitude.

Thanksgiving 2005 in Stamford,CT.

What's nice about it is that family type thing of event, which always brings good moods, attitudes and behaviours in all of us. More is needed!:) Free lunches are probably the most popular concept but dinners like this shouldn't be this scarce. Another point is that all religions are celebrating it, which kind of proves that many artificial bariers can be lowered quickly.

in the meantime,

They shot horses, don't they? but a turkey got the presidential pardon. Too bad that many other are not so lucky...

On this year's First Snow

Yes. First snow happened here on the 23th. It was sudden and probably nice for most of the people leaving in upstate NY. I didn't see it like that since the thermostat in my house showed only 48 degrees :(( , thus, no simpathy from me on this one. This event though made me realize how important these small things (like temperature) really are (cannot do any WORK under a certain level, which is probably consistent with the total lack of big breakthrough inventions among iglu communities or the remote Siberia). It seems that the brain needs a certain temperature in order to reach peak intensity cortexial levels, but do not exaggerate [it's obvious that ecuatorial climates are not very good also!:))]

On the other hand "negative externalities" can arise from popular holidays such as Thankgiving, since most hadymen and people in charge with restoring a more causy and WARM status quo stopped working on the same day, around 3-4 pm. Thus not everything can be summarized as cheerful and happy. And Yeah,not to forget: Thanksgiving is not the busiest day in the year. The myth is totally wrong and statistics prove that 21,22 and 23 of December are indeed the peak of busyness. So, Christmas rules again! Santa must love this:))

Monday, November 14, 2005

A Novemberish New England

City views from Providence, RI

November is not the best time to hang around NE; but this year it has been unusually mild and dry,which can only yield positive feelings even about this issue.I've just spent last weekend over there and it was very nice.

Providence is the capital city of Rhode Island, probably the second smallest state after Delaware,:)), I guess. Although many people from Boston probably see it as a suburb, it is a nice medium size town with a neet downtown and some interesting sites to see (since it is also lying on hills). The city has its own identity which is neat,clean and friendly native endowments.

Myself and a bit of night panoramic view of the city (background)

A clear moonlight night on the beach in Massachusets.Cold as hell but nice view of the Atlantic and a bloody sunset in the background.

Some wild ducks and a swan on the lake (Slater Park; Pawtucket, RI)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Music wise ...

howdy! and bonjour aussi@
today it's all about MUSic.
what people have listen to lately? well...i can only speak for myself nowdays,no? I focused almost entirely on dubious nice groovy stuffs aka mainly dubb, drum & bass and trip-hop-ish selected beats. Some names, or better yet, some websites that you can check them out - mostly cool flash ones and beatwise too- :)
CLAUDE CHALLE - the DJ that sets up the Buddha BAr compilations-

and many cool others...
it's a whole new world full of just need to know where to search for it.
until next time, stay fresh body- and mind- wise and keep it real!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Romania_the satellite version of it

I was just playing around with the new Google's Earth and saw this as an opportunity to try it on Romania...see what comes up. I had recently an unfortunate experience of trying to watch a documentary on Romania and Hungary (from the Lonely Planet series and I am sorry to say this guys but they DO suck at it! - big geographical mistakes etc.- as if we were not mapped correctly nowdays) and I could only watch about ten minutes of it and couldn't take it afterwards. It was pretty dissapointing since I used to watch & enjoy that show but now I am just wondering how far off were they with all those countries presented.

ok. back to the original topic.
The program is quite nice an d easy to use. Obviously, there is much work yet to be done on it....but the views are quite spectacular sometimes. Although, it took me some time to found it, there was also my hometown (Sighet) which means Island in Hungarian (if I remember this correctly) is interesting. greetings to all the people there! I posted some cool images of Transylvania (Sighet is in the extreme north of it on the river Tisa (Tisza) about 5 min walk to Ukraine) and Cluj Napoca (the "informal" capital of T. -nice town, cool people, lived there and it was great-)
I am pretty sure you can get even better images if you have a good machine (unlike mine:)) ) and a nice video card. Enjoy the view..:)

Friday, October 28, 2005

Autumn is dead! Long live Winter!!

the autumn is over. officially dead. with the first coming snow, which is supposed to be today. just a flurry, naturally, but still a statement that it is done. Some will wonder why I wrote in english, am I just a snob, since the purpose of this blogg is mainly to communicate with my friends and pals back home...Well my purpose is not to make your life harder..:)) or to convince someone that English rulez! or that I've become a totally American and forgot all about Romania:))..not at all. This would be just a practice excercise for you and your lingvistic skills..I can write in French if you would preffer that..but I guess there is less of a potentially Pareto improvement situation to the French version. SO...this is it.

Monday, August 29, 2005

back to school -- yeah..

Tiredness, stress and lots of work. The new school year starts as great as ever; probably it takes more than a couple of lousy 5 hrs sleep to get rid of some 36 hrs jet-lag effect. But how can you an erase a crazy summer? :)) Just have to live with it, I guess…

Besides this, nothing new. It's Monday..that says it classes start, plus I personally am having a bad day. Have to do some real stuff done this year and it is going to be so tough; I even don’t want to think about it. Stress has no room on today's agenda. It's full already. So what more can you?
Just grab a cold one…or maybe two.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

revenire in US

am ajuns si eu cu greu inapoi in USA. British Airways s-a dovedit de cacao de data asta : pe langa faptul ca firma lor de cathering e in greva asa ca distribuie pungulitze cu sandvichuri minuscule si sticlute cu apa pe cursele europene, in Londra pe Heathrow le-a mai picat si tot systemu lor de computere care asigura fluxurile aeriene ale aeroportului. asa ca am stat vreo ora in aer cand am ajuns in Londra si vreo doua pe pista cand am plecat spre NY. normal ca am ajuns cu vreo ora intarziere si in NY. la intrare a mers super-rapid...bulan?? o ora am fost iesit cu bagaje cu tot. cu metroul a fost iara 30 min am ajuns la Port Authority de unde sa iau Greyhound-ul (bus). asa ca nu am avut timp sa atipesc :). apoi cu busu iara vreo 3 hr si am ajuns in Troy pe la stat vreo 40 min dupa alt bus insa nu dadea semne ca o sa vina. nu am vazut taxi liber asa ca m-am enervat si am luat-o pe sus pe deal. am crezut ca si mor caci e ceva de urcat insa pe la 1am am fost la universitate, thank God. peste noapte am dormit in casa unde am stat anul tracut, caci tipul din Haiti inca nu e venit.a doua zi a trebuit sa ma duc la scoala sa semnez contractu de chirie si sa ma intalnesc cu diversi profi dela noi din departament. facut si asta; probleme iara cu chei gresite si alte obisnuite "missunderstandings"; in sfarsit am reusit sa ma cazez...insa nu am reusit sa ma mut efectiv caci toate lucrurile sunt la o cunostiinta locala si cred ca e plecata din localitate; am sunat in disperare si la ea si nimik. casa asta noua e ok.camerele sunt cam mici, zic eu (vreo 3X4 m), mai ales ca e un pat tare lung si mobila faina da' mare. oricum mai sunt treburi de rezolvat..o sa ne bage si internet / cablu / telefon gratuit inclus in chiria de 300 $ pe luna..ceea ce este super. (300 cu tot inclus si caldura si curent, tot)in rest, astia cu care stau sunt 2 americani , anul I la Phd...unul (Jacob) e din Wisconsin, de pe la tara ...clasicul informatician cu ochelari...e baiat fain, dar nu de viatza; celalat e un tip fain din Brooklyn (Gordon), o amestecatura de evreu si portoricana, parca, insa e tare de viatza..canta la bass intr-o trupa si la flaut clasic; aici faci PhD pe ceva cu mecanica sunetelor; ii place si lui drumm& bass-ul printre altele & muzica in general asa ca avem ce povesti. oricum ma respecta baietii:)) asta e important..pana nu li se urca si lor la cap probabil:))..sus stau 3 tipe: 1 indianca si doua americance insa nu le-am vazut la fatza inca..---m-or pus sa fac pe TA-ul acuma la profa aia cu care am avut probleme anul trecut si si ea una'doua m-o chemat la raportare. cred ca va fii nashpa semestru asta cu ea... insa nu e obiectivu principal; poate ma ajuta si ea sa fac si eu ceva lucrare sau mai stiu eu mir-am-as ca e mare fana a chinezilor.luni incepe scoala si eu is pe pen-sula cu toate..nici carti nu mi-am luat. abia am facut rost de orar:)) mi s-a blocat contu' de student..cartile super-scumpe iara ; incep depe la 80-90 si ajung pana la 130-140 iar cand le revinzi le dai cu 30 la scoala sau pe ebay sau half cu mai mult. oricum nu se am cursuri grele semestru asta. semestru viitor sunt si mai grele.:((((((((( aici e cald insa nu f tare cam 25-26 grade..iar noaptea e chiar simt pt ca nu am cu ce cerut si eu ceva cerceafuri..dar...e friguletz noaptea. ca in cort:)). abia astept sa imi iau odata bagajele ca imi ia cateva zile numai sa le aranjez la cate bazaconii am pe acolo.deja am intrat pe ebay sa imi iau o placa de wireless pe PCMCIA ca nu se mai o sa iau si ceva DVDrom sau un combo pt IBM-ul meu. Iar de ThanksGiving probabil un alt asta o trecut prin multe...numai cu mine stiu destule..insa sunt super astea. la scoala acuma vand T43-uri la 3.04 cred cu 1GB ram si toate porcariile pe el cu vreo 2,000...ceea ce nu e chiar mult. trebuie sa ma duc sa vad si de ceva scrap-uri sa imi fac si eu un desktop asa de chestie. si imi iau un TFT la el si gata.:))good news: mi-o venit si prima rata din Fellowshipul ala din Massachusets; in plus, baietzii de la Soros mi-or dat si anu asta Grantul lor suplimentar; asa ca devine binisor spre bine, tinand cont ca o sa mai aplic si la altele in sanse bune de concretizare..guess who's smiling now..?:))---bad news:... dupa cum anticipam mi-o venit si cardu da si factura de la macy's:)) din 80$ cumparaturi s-a ajuns pe la 150$ acuma dupa trei luni:))..deh, dobanda e 25% pe luna..sper sa ma scot cumva..daca nu, voi plati..ce draq sa fac..---o sa imi fac si ceva site probabil cat mai soon si un Blogg ca sa nu ma mai tot complic cu liste& liste de emailuri. pana atunci am 4 cursuri + TA-ul...cred ca o sa renunt eu la ar trebui bine de tot sa ma apuc si de ceva research asa ca am o GRAMADA de treaba. cel putin asa ma stresseaza lumea..inclusiv eu.o MASINA imi tot cloceste mintea asta ca deh, mobilitatea e esentiala si stiu cum va fii cu netu de la RPI ca mi-e frica sa ma bag la download-uri de muzici sau bittorente ca m-or da astia afara din scoala..habar nu am . dar cred ca o sa intreb cu TUPEU..maxim. ce altceva pot sa fac??pana una alta hai sa postez PRIMUL meu blogg..hha-ha