Saturday, September 06, 2008

My first baseball experience

Hilariously enough, today was my first true baseball experience. While so far I wasn't really interested in learning (all) the rules of this game, yesterday, after three years spend in the Yankees' land, I finally pulled it off. Thanks to my friend Mikko and his patience I enjoyed a full minor league game between the Tri-City ValleyCats from Troy and the Lowell Spinners. Which in the end proved to be one of their best (the home team had an embarrassing season). Beside the game, people come just to chat and hang out, which is a bit unusual. But hey, if you had to watch 3 hours or more in small 5 minute reprises, you'll do it too. Other than that beer, sweets, food and snack may turn the event around. not to mention all the promotional stuff thrown in the crowd and up for grabs.

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