Monday, June 26, 2006

Cultural Sunday

After a sturdy rainy week, we, the students went out for a bit of culturalization...forced or not:). In this way, the Clark Brothers Collection exposed in Williamstown, MA was the perfect way to achieve the goal: Home of the best liberal arts college in the country, Williams town is a neat, small place to live.

The 1793 established institution seems that has a lot to offer both in terms of heritage and high educational values. The early European Art(1400-1800) and especially the Dutch school painters along the American Paintings were my favorites. I found John Singer Sargent's works magnificent and pleasantly surprising. After circling around the town, a nice (too big) dinner at a local restaurant outside the town (the Cauzy...something; famous for their fish & chips) was the perfect ending for a nice Sunday contrary to the weather caprices.

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